Enrico Pasini coordinates the Research Group. A Professor in the Turin Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences (<https://www.dfe.unito.it >), where he teaches history of philosophy and history of science, he is currently the Director of the Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e la Storia delle Idee (ILIESI/CNR, Rome, http://www.iliesi.cnr.it/EN/).
Last talks
- “Philosophical Poetry in the Early Modern Period”, Princeton-Bucharest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy, September 22 2020. Online.
- “The Deep Time of the Earth: Environmental Experiments With History” (con I. Dal Prete e T. Asmussen, coord. S. Gulizia), The Scientiae Workshop Series, August 6 2020. Online.
- “La critica leibniziana in Italia nella seconda metà del ’900”, Giornate di studio ”Leibniz e l’Italia”, Roma, ILIESI, November 28-29 2019.
- “Scienza ed esperienza: il modello leonardesco”, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, June 13 2019.
English CV
Enrico Pasini (1961) teaches History of Modern Philosophy and History of Science to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Turin. He has been for six years Director of the Bachelor Degree Course of Philosophy. He took part for many years in the Turin Ph.D. Programme in Philosophy as doctoral supervisor, and then contributed to the foundation of the Fi.N.O. North-Western Philosophy Ph.D Consortium, of which he was member of faculty up to 2017. He is now member of faculty of the Modeling and Data Science Ph.D. Programme in Turin. He has served in a number of doctoral juries in Italy and abroad.
Pasini has been member of the Academic Senate of the University of Torino and Rector's delegate for the University Library System, is currently the Rector's delegate for the University Archives and Museums. He is head of the Turin Interdepartmental Digitisation Center and of the University's Museums System.
He has worked on the connection between history of mathematics and history of philosophy, and on the interplay of life sciences, philosophy and literature, in the early modern period in general. He is author of books and articles on G.W. Leibniz's philosophy and mathematics, and on the history of philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in Germany; he has also written several essays on the logician and mathematician Giuseppe Peano and his entourage, and various contributions dedicated to Humanism and Renaissance philosophy, in particular on Erasmus of Rotterdam. He is/has been involved in several National Interest Research Programmes, is coordinator of local research programmes, and local PI of the HIRMEOS (2017-18) and OPERAS-D (2019-21) H2020 programmes; also coordinates the international research project “G.W. Leibniz’s Correspondents and Acquaintances. Intellectual networks, themes, individuals” that involves a wide research network of European Leibniz-scholars (https://www.leibnitiana.eu). Together with G. Bonino and P. Tripodi, he has started the research program DR2 – Distant Reading and Data-driven Research in the History of Philosophy (https://dr2blog.hcommons.org).
He is member of the board and of the scientific council of the G.W. Leibniz-Gesellschaft (Deutschland) and member of the Leibniz Society of North America, of the Red Iberoamericana Leibniz, and of the Société d'études leibniziennes de langue française; he is founding member of the Sodalitas Leibnitiana (Italian Leibniz Society, of which he was the first President, now board member). He is founding member of the SISM (Italian Society for the History of Mathematics) and of the Società Cusaniana (Italian society of Cusanus Studies).
With M. Albertone he founded the Gruppo interdisciplinare di Storia delle idee (Interdisciplinary History of Ideas Group, http://www.gisi.unito.it) of the University of Torino, and they are editors of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas (Open access, peer-reviewed journal that biannually publishes studies in the history of interdisciplinary ideas, http://www.jihi.eu).
Pasini studied philosophy in Turin and earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy (1993), with G. Gliozzi, M. Mugnai, C.A. Viano. He studied and researched at the Leibniz-Archiv in Hanover, with the guidance and help of A. Heinekamp and H. Breger. He was “Andrea Arnese” Grant fellow (Florentine Center for history and philosophy of science), then post-doctoral fellow at the University of Turin, and Researcher (permanent position) there since 1999.
He has also been working 15 years (’87-’02) as consultant, writer, editorial staff for different encyclopedias and dictionaries; webmastering (’95-98), consulting and teaching in SGML-XML, DTP and Computer Mediated Communication. Pasini is a former subscriber member of the TEI Consortium, member of the AIUCD (Ass. It. Informatica umanistica e cultura digitale; associate EADH-Eur. Ass. for Digital Humanities), co-founder and board member of the Italian Association for Open Science (AISA).
Italian Long CV
At https://www.campusnet.unito.it/docenti/att/epasini.cv.pdf
Other references
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4525-187X
Enrico Pasini is not on academia.edu anymore.
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’educazione
Università degli Studi di Torino
Via S. Ottavio 20, 10124 Torino – IT